to everybody, who helped me to become who I am today
thank you
This website was inspired by my teacher, friend, spiritual guide & soul mate Reni Kovacicova & Atanerhealing. I thank her for everything and will not thank her enough. She gave me this strength to build my website and start my own business. She tought me everything and is making me a better healer every day.
This website is dedicated to her.
I also thank my parents, that they gave me a chance to live here and helped me to be a better version of myself.
Creator of All That Is, thank you for leading me to my path as a healer.
I love you all very much and thank you for everything.
Your Janka
Why ThetaHealing®
what can I help you with?
The ThetaHealing® Technique
is a meditation training technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for
improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit.
improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit.